Personal Trainer'S Legal Bible

Personal Trainer'S Legal Bible

Pitts, Gary W.
EAN: 9781491717585
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PERSONAL TRAINERS are not just fitness professionals; they could be the saviours of the global health-care systemlife changers. As pioneers in this budding field in the health and wellness industry, trainers face misinformation and myths about the fitness industry. Whats more, due to negative portrayal in the media, the common perception of personal trainers is less than stellar.This situation, coupled with the relative lack of regulation, means that there are many legal issues that you must be aware of in order to stay safe in your day-today practice. As is the case for any practitioner of a health-related profession, you must be aware of the legal ramifications of your decisions and advice. But the legal education provided to personal trainers is virtually nonexistent.In this guidebook, author Gary Pitts, a master strength coach and Canadas premier fitness lawyer, provides the knowledge you need for your practice. Following the principles of MISS (make it simple, stupid), Gary has compiled information on the entire spectrum of fitness-specific legal issues, most of which are largely unknown or misunderstood by even the most seasoned veterans in the personal training industry. If youre serious about your personal training career, explores these important issues and start building your protective legal strategies now.
EAN 9781491717585
ISBN 1491717580
Binding Ebook
Publisher iUniverse
Publication date January 7, 2014
Pages 568
Language English
Country Uruguay
Authors Pitts, Gary W.