In the Image of God

In the Image of God

Lyons, David
Trafford Publishing
EAN: 9781425196233
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This is a book about people learning there are three sides to the truth; What you say; What they say; The facts of what happened. Alan Da'vide is the hero. He is just a guy out to make his corner of the Universe a little better. He is helped by his best friend Mia, who happens to be an AI (Artificial Intelligence). They have shared many adventures in the past. This story is the most recent. In this adventure they discover Earth- full of Humans and Dolphins not at war with each other. How this is possible? Everybody knows Dolphins hate Humans! Alan and Mia also locate an ancient moon base, vacant of inhabitants. Here they meet an ancient AI who shares the history the race of Humans that originally built the moon base. They uncover the real history of the Universe, and discover how the Dolphins have twisted the truth, while trying to kill or enslave all the Humans in the Universe. The book is woven together with New Age thinking good old common sense,-a road map on how to interact and respect people when living your life everyday. The story also show you a way to love yourself, and change the way you look at the bigger picture of life (In any century). With the majestic Universe as our background for this adventure Alan and Mia spin you along with them as they travel through time and space-meeting new friends as they uncover the truth of the Universe and the untold truth of the beginnings of the Human civilization on Earth. It's a fun story for all teens and adults. A small book with a big message.
EAN 9781425196233
ISBN 1425196233
Binding Ebook
Publisher Trafford Publishing
Publication date February 13, 2007
Pages 1
Language English
Country Uruguay
Authors Lyons, David