Boolean Algebra Is for Children

Boolean Algebra Is for Children

Romero, Julio Cesar Martinez
EAN: 9781506519210
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Boolean algebra is all about messages, gates, and gatekeepers. Some messages arrive, and others are transmitted. There are five clans of gatekeepers, each with a set of rules on what to do with the messages received. There are only two types of messages, 0 and 1. These two symbols are capable of coding all human knowledge and have the power to unleash each possible function of all the present and unimaginable future digital devices and gadgets. This book offers a novel and interactive experience that will allow children to construct their own concepts of what binary means.
EAN 9781506519210
ISBN 1506519210
Binding Ebook
Publisher Palibrio
Publication date February 25, 2017
Pages 104
Language English
Country Uruguay
Authors Romero, Julio Cesar Martinez