Book of the Salmon

Book of the Salmon

Forgotten Books
EAN: 9780243798629
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Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Having done all this with elaborate minuteness, I proceed to describe the flies the salmon-fisher must use. To render the description more intel ligible, fifteen model flies have been engraved and coloured. Thirteen are after patterns made by Mr. Blacker, of 54, dean-street, Soho, which I have myself successfully tested; and two are after fa vourite patterns kindly sent me, by a gentleman connected with the Foreign Office, and an excel lent salmon fisher. These models will furnish a correct idea of what salmon-flies ought to be, generally speaking, in colour, shape, and size.
EAN 9780243798629
ISBN 0243798628
Binding Ebook
Publisher Forgotten Books
Publication date November 27, 2019
Language English
Country Uruguay
Authors Ephemera; Young, Andrew
Series 1