Synagogues of Satan

Synagogues of Satan

Franks, David
Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
EAN: 9798886166804
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Rev 12:11, &quote;And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death.&quote;False teachings about this verse led to the writing of a deep study about the subject. You can read these false teachings in the book. After finishing the study and in view of the current political climate, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to do 2 Chronicles 7:14 and then a series of deeper studies ensued. Under the guidance and unction, these studies led to a common theme, thus the title synagogues of Satan. I had no inclination in my heart to write a book, but following the lead of the Holy Spirit, I did exactly that. I hope this small book will enlighten your understanding and increase the Lord's power in and through you. I also hope this book will also serve as a template as an effective way to study the word. Be blessed because you are.
EAN 9798886166804
ISBN 888616680X
Binding Ebook
Publisher Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
Publication date March 30, 2023
Pages 88
Language English
Country Uruguay
Authors Franks, David