Rebel Recruitment and Information Problems

Rebel Recruitment and Information Problems

Obayashi, Kazuhiro
EAN: 9781317295082
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How do rebel groups decide how to recruit members? To answer this question, Obayashi classifies recruitment techniques of rebel groups into two types, coercion and inducement, and develops a theory of rebel recruitment that simultaneously addresses agency problems inside rebel groups and the rebel-state contest over information.Important themes such as desertion, counterinsurgency strategies including amnesties and civil war termination are also examined to further understand the dynamics of rebellion and violent disorder. The theory is applied to examine the changes in conflicts involving the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka and the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda.
EAN 9781317295082
ISBN 1317295080
Binding Ebook
Publication date September 5, 2017
Pages 204
Language English
Country United Kingdom
Authors Obayashi, Kazuhiro
Series Routledge Studies in the Politics of Disorder and Instability