Running Repairs

Running Repairs

Paula Coates, Coates
EAN: 9781408108086
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Running Repairs is a handbook for everyone who runs - fromthose training for a one-off charity event, through those who run tokeep fit to experienced club runners who regularly race.A recent Runner's World magazine survey revealed that over80 per cent of runners have experienced an injury and that avoidinginjury or recovering from injury is the main worry for nearly everyrunner. This will be the first book to specifically address theseconcerns. Written by an experienced physiotherapist and recreationalmarathon runner, Running Repairs is written in two parts: Part one - covers aseries of strengthening and flexibility exercises designed to beincorporated within any running schedule, designed to help preventinjury in the first place. Part two - covers themost common running injuries and how to manage them. A series offlowcharts helps the reader to diagnose the most likely cause of anyache and pain and recommends a plan of action to aid recovery - fromrest and ice to referral to a physiotherapist. The book alsocovers basic biomechanics so that runners can understand their runningstyle and identify the specific injuries that are associated with thatstyle, plus nutritional advice for recovering from injury. The bookwill be an essential reference for all runners - allowing them to treatany injuries immediately and in many cases saving considerable amountsof money on unnecessary physiotherapy appointments (the authorestimates that about 50% of injuries that runners visit her practicewith could be treated effectively by the patient and that the vastmajority of injuries could be avoided with appropriate exercises beingincorporated as part of training).
EAN 9781408108086
ISBN 1408108089
Binding Ebook
Publication date June 30, 2013
Pages 176
Language English
Country United Kingdom
Authors Paula Coates, Coates