Millions of Americans every year have troubles with their finances. They turn to experts in droves, asking for help in filing their taxes, consolidating their debt, or just planning how they will pay their bills and invest their retirement funds. This book was written for anyone who has ever wanted to dip their foot into financial planning but did not know where to start. Through hours of meticulous research, the author has compiled countless resources for potential planners that will guarantee a successful start for your new business. You will learn the fundamental basics of financial planning, starting with the very process that most planners use to organize their own finances. You will learn how to organize financial statements and to create plans and how to properly manage taxes to great effect. You will learn how to manage basic assets such as cash, savings, home equity, and automobiles. You will learn how to effectively manage credit and how to deal with insurance including life insurance, health insurance, and property insurance. This complete manual will arm you with everything you need, including sample business forms; contracts; worksheets, opening, and running day-to-day operations; and more. For all prospective financial planners, this guide will give you a complete walkthrough and timeline of what you need to accomplish to be effective. The companion CD-ROM is not available for download with this electronic version of the book but it may be obtained separately by contacting Atlantic Publishing Group at,Atlantic Publishing is a small, independent publishing company based in Ocala, Florida. Founded over twenty years ago in the company president s garage, Atlantic Publishing has grown to become a renowned resource for non-fiction books. Today, over 450 titles are in print covering subjects such as small business, healthy living, management, finance, careers, and real estate. Atlantic Publishing prides itself on producing award winning, high-quality manuals that give readers up-to-date, pertinent information, real-world examples, and case studies with expert advice. Every book has resources, contact information, and web sites of the products or companies discussed. This Atlantic Publishing eBook was professionally written, edited, fact checked, proofed and designed. You receive the same content as the print version of this book. Over the years our books have won dozens of book awards for content, cover design and interior design including the prestigious Benjamin Franklin award for excellence in publishing. We are proud of the high quality of our books and hope you will enjoy this eBook version.