Pry To God is a Tasteful Trip not only through the Faith of the author, but through Faith itself. Itbegins in Volume I as a memoir and ends in Volume VI where the memoir is placed on an altar. In betweenthe pages of the six volumes, the memoir Trips through theologies of worshipnot only underscoringthe beauty of the memoir, but propelling the development of Faith to a new and exalted level. In MissCloutirs six successive volumes of Pry To God: A Tasteful Trip Through Faith, she examines in detailher own Roman Catholic Faith by tracing its origins from ancient Judaism and Gnosticism, the flavorsof which appear not only in the development of Christianity, but also in the development of Islam. Pry To God recounts how the authors Trip through Faith stumbled along the way in ventures withScientology and Astrology until a balanced was achieved by her association with the Monsignor and herstudies in Theology at Boston College and Harvard, culminating in a love story comparable with the SoundOf Music, My Fair Lady, and The Thornbirds. Pry To God incorporates a timely French Connection, the authors love of Boston Sports, and her keeninterest in matters Theological. Pry To God includes the recent 20022010 reappraisal of the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, withthe authors further investigation of its medieval French connection, and its association with the currentreevaluation of the genuineness of the 20052007 rediscovery of the Jesus Family Tomb. The Shroud ofTurin, coupled with the Jesus Family Tomb, and the 2007 discovery of the Tomb of Herod the Greatmake for a fascinating historical interpretation of the New Testament Gospels by the author; revealing amore genuine-magnificent Jesus-Mary Story. Pry To God also incorporates an apt and a personal understanding of the 2008 Economic Catastrophe,including American presidential politics, with a look towards a Global Realization of all peoplerecognized as equal in life, even to the extent of Economically Equality. Wage by Age, as suggestedby the author, is 21st centurys new mantra given to relax the social injustice experienced throughout theages. With a culture of Con-U-Nism evolving mankind into Money-Monkeys, Pry To God offers anordained resolution. Pry To God is a rare but relevant penetration into Religion. It bridges the academic theological scholarshipof Harvard into an everyday world perspective. Pry To God holds fascinating insights and historical interpretations that could very well signal an endingof, tripping through Faith, sending shock-waves throughout the religious world and established society. The authors theological insights into the topic of Religion in our current social climate are sure to lingerlong after reading Pry To God: A Tasteful Trip Through Faith is a fait accompli.